måndag, oktober 10, 2005

Fint vaaaader

Som latin kings sjunger sa ar det nu fint vaaaader! Klarbla himmel och mycket varmt. Yes!

Vi ska upp pa cerro de la cruz, hill of the cross, korskullen, for att titta pa utsikten.


2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

The Hill of the Cross is a small hill right on the north edge of Antigua. We walked up to the observation point (about 20 minutes walk) with a group accompanied by the "tourist police". This is recommended because there was a history of muggings on the relatively isolated route. The views of the city are marvellous.

Anonym sa...

den där kullen slår väl knappast rackarbacken i mitt barndomskvarter på söder (Visby) :)